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The 2021/22 Federal Budget landed last night with several changes impacting financial services. Whilst most relevant changes had been announced by the government or speculated in the media before the budget was delivered, there were some additional welcome proposals. The government continues to spend big in major areas, including education, aged care and child care. Perhaps they are setting themselves up for the option of an early election?
Many of the proposals are expected to begin on July 1, 2022. But don’t get too excited yet. The announcements made in the Budget are subject to the passage of legislation or tabling of regulations before they become law.
Check out our analysis of the announcements and their impacts on financial services over on wealthdigital.
wealthdigital® is a technical library, a compliance tool and a business-building opportunity all in one place. It’s core is an advice tool that is constantly updated by leading industry experts. Subscribers can always be in touch with current rules, the steps for implementing strategies and tips for building their businesses.